On Thu 26/03/09  4:30 PM , Tom Metro tmetro-boston...@vl.com sent:

> I suspect parking is going to be a pain at either location, given that 
> the talks fall in or near business hours. (I don't recall the switch 
> over time, but MIT lots probably aren't open to non-MIT people that 
> early in the day.) Any parking suggestions? Anyone have a parking permit
> for either location or a business in the area and want to carpool?

I don't have parking near MIT or Harvard, but I can offer parking near Alewife. 
 I live in North 
Cambridge near the bike path, and one can request parking "consideration" for 
an event, meaning 
that they won't issue tickets for cars without resident permits within a 
certain area.  I am on 
Harvey St., and we typically ask for the area 

Harvey St. from Clay to the end past Clifton; Clifton from Harvey to Dudley; 
Dudley from Clifton 
to Jackson; Jackson from Dudley to Harvey

One then walks on the bike path, through Russell Field to Alewife.  It's a 5 or 
10 minute walk, 
depending on who you ask.  

1) Would people like me to do this?
2) What times should I request?

I need to make the request for Tuesday today.

-- Mabel :-)

Mabel Liang
Software Engineer turned Gardener


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