When I went riding on Thanksgiving Day - sunny and
cool, gorgeous riding weather - I spied what for a
moment appeared to be a *huge* hawk; then I saw the
white head, and as it crossed the sun, a white tail
flared -- it was a bald eagle!  Soaring right over us!
My friend and I watched until it sailed away to join
antoher, and they wheeled over the
treeline...*massive* coolness!  :D

Darby picked up on my excitement, and asked for a
gallop but tried for a run - we had to slow down for
the road, so he dropped into a _gorgeous_ 'passage' (I
caught our shadow briefly).  My friend said it was the
loveliest movement she'd seen 'live' (as opposed,
frex, to the spectacular Olympic horses seen on TV);
even at 23, he still has days when he moves like a
12yo.  :)

['Passage' is a sort of exaggerated slow trot, with
the knees rising nearly to a 90o<; the horse appears
almost to hover off-ground in between steps.  Wild
stallions, in dominance contests, will display to each
other using this movement.  About 1/3 of the way
through this video, "Olympic Ferro" demonstrates
passage for many strides; the 'trot-on-the-spot' with
none-to-little forward motion is the 'piaffe.' (Which
Darby has only done when he's cross with me for not
letting him gallop!)]

whose job as rider is sometimes just to look "proud
enuff ta' bust ma' suspender straps!"  ;D

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