> There are many freely and easily  available
> compilers in many
> languages so this doesn't really disturb me.   I've
> heard Yet Another
> Basic is good (though I haven't used it myself):
> http://www.yabasic.de/

I shall try ybasic, thanks.

But after the horror of trying xbasic and qbasic and
all the others, I do not expect much success.  All
were created by techies who suffer from
techie-disease... an absolute assumption that
everyboddy who downloads their compiler will instantly
and miraculously know how to use it.  The manuals are
gibberish. There is nothing at all resembling a simple
place to write line by line code and simply typr

> For your son, maybe you'd also want to try teaching
> him LOGO.  I
> googled up a free LOGO version for Windows here:
> http://www.softronix.com/logo.html

Thanks also for that.  But I did try to explain my
frustration.  I already know BASIC.  I have books.  I
have a zillion sample programs that are EXACTLY what I
want to teach.  Logo looks nice but I do not have the
time to learn another language and it definitely looks
"higher" than the algorithm-based level that I have
wanted to show to my son.

I want Z=2x, x=1, print Z.

I want to move a DOT using a simple mathematicall
algorithm.  I have examples in books.  Why can I not
show this to my son?  It is EXACTLY what Bill Gates
and Steve Jobs and Wozniak did.

Maybe that's why they have ensured that no one else can.

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