> From: Davd Brin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- The Fool said: I > Still don't> understand why Dr.
> Brin has Difficulty with Qbasic. > It seems very much
> > like he's expressing the meme: "things were better
> > in the past, a golden> age" that he himself rails
> against so much.  
> Well now ain't that sweet.  An' seein' as how it bears
> no relationship to actual objective reality, ain't it
> creative, too?
> In fact, I simply wanted to show my son the
> relationship between math and the location of the
> myriad dots on a computer screen.  By letting HIM
> create a program that uses an algorithm to achieve
> results, I hope to demystify computers and coding and
> show that it all comes down to lines of code.

You _still_ haven't, shown, proven, or explained why or how Qbasic
doesn't work in the way you want.  I know from years of experience, when
I myself was a child learning these same very things on my own, that
Qbasic does them, very simply.  I was able to run the code you posted in
less than ten seconds after receiving your message.  It worked.
> You may choose to interpret this as "the past is
> better".  But since, as you say, this is diametrically
> opposite to my philosophy, an honorable approach might
> have been to take that interpretation and contemplate
> the wise words: "I might be mistaken."

Perhaps, but I know from firsthand experience that children are smarter
than parents give them credit for.  They learn how to use new
technologies very easily.  My parents were VCR blinking 12:00 people. 
But when I was four I figured out how to program the VCR, set it's clock,
etc.  It's seems you are trying to find an interpreter that you yourself
can use, instead of an environment where the child can learn these
principle optimally.  You aren't thinking outside the box.  It's not just
the algorithms your child should be learning, but also how to use the
programs themselves for himself.  If your child knew how to use Qbasic
for himself, how much easier would it be to teach him the basic


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