> Go to hell.  You are a snob and a coward.

I regret that I was goaded BY name-calling into
performing name-calling.

I retract that.

Nevertheless, please note, while I defend policies
favoring the working poor, Gautam throws mud accusing
me of CULTURALLY hating the working poor.

He does not discuss any of the policy issues, none of
the evidence of treason, none of the interesting
social-political aspects of the
Confederacy-Dixiecrat-neocon drift.

None of it.

All he can do is accuse me - lying with every breath -
of being anti-populist while his leaders represent a
coup by aristocrats whose sole agenda is a pyramid of

Find me evidence to the contrary!  

Even if we stop them, our children will be paying off
the debt on this raid for a generation.

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