On 4/18/05, Gary Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/13/05, John DeBudge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > China really is greatly increasing its demand for foreign oil, thus
> > becoming a major factor in global demand, which in turn is starting to
> > outpace production, thus resulting in a price increase.
> >
> > http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/china.html
> >
> > "China was the world's second largest consumer of petroleum products
> > in 2003, surpassing Japan for the first time, with total demand of
> > 5.56 million barrels per day (bbl/d). China's oil demand is projected
> > by EIA to reach 12.8 million bbl/d by 2025, with net imports of 9.4
> > million bbl/d. As the source of around 40% of world oil demand growth
> > over the past four years, Chinese oil demand already is a very
> > significant factor in world oil markets."
> >
> > General instability in the middle east could definitely contribute to
> > a rise in prices, but only a permanent increase in demand, or a
> > permanent increase in production, will lead to a long term price
> > change.
> >
> > The higher the price of oil gets, the more pressure will be placed on
> > increasing production.
> >
> > Venezuela has a much greater impact on local US fuel prices however,
> > as it is the top supplier of oil to the US. The strike, and general
> > political instability in 2002 and 2003 resulted in a huge decrease in
> > oil exports, and even now the levels have not fully returned to their
> > pre-strike levels. Furthermore the future growth of production in that
> > country is at risk because of the political situation, thus limiting
> > investment that would lead to future expansion.
> >
> > http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/venez.html
> >
> > Just thought I would add some more details to the discussion.
> >
> > John
> Ven. reached peak oil production several years ago and will not be
> able to increase production.   Right now, it is facing the wrath of
> the GOP as it increased the royalty rates from the oil companies,
> slammed a halt on privatization of public utilites and began policies
> to raise the living standards of the majority of the people.
> --
> Gary Denton

'is facing'?  Ven. (and more specifically Chavez) has been facing
their wrath for a while now.  Or have we forgotten the attempted coup
the US supported?

How very... Cold War-ish.

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