On Jun 5, 2005, at 10:55 AM, Dan Minette wrote:

From: "Damon Agretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Talk about a biased "test."

I came out fairly inaccurately too....as one of those Creative sorts.
It labled me as more post-modern than modern, and said that I eschew
organized religions.  I bet that they'd say the same thing about my
daughter, who's about to be ordained.

That doesn't surprise me at all, unless she's about to be ordained with
a degree from Bob Jones University or some such. I came across that
"test" on a blog by another about-to-be-ordained woman who apparently
scored very low as well.

I'm pretty sure that graduates of the Pacific School of Religion (which
boasts some of the most liberal theologians in the world, and is Alma
Mater to both of the pastors at my Methodist church in CA) would receive
strong negative results from that "test" as well.



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