On Jun 13, 2005, at 5:12 AM, G. D. Akin wrote:

Low- and no-cost preferred but I am interested in all.

OpenOffice.org, which is the free (as in beer and speech) version of
Sun's StarOffice package, which it (Sun) posits as an alternative to
Microsoft Office, has versioning built in.

In the File menu is a "Versions..." item that allows you to create
multiple versions of a work in progress.

This may be exactly what you're looking for. No yaks to shave, but
you do have to decide for yourself whether this free alternative to
the hugely popular (and not without reason, I might add) Microsoft
Office application will work for you.

By the way... I used to work at Sun Microsystems, where using
StarOffice was required, and I can tell you with great confidence
that almost nobody there liked it, though plenty of people were
able to be reasonably productive with it, even the ragged early
versions we were subjected to.

I'll stop posting now. Really I will.



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