> From: Deborah Harrell
> >Nick Lidser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Unveiling the invisible cloak
> >
> >
> > No such cloak exists yet...
> Ah, but a fur coat does!  As everyone knows, the hair
> of unicorns has just those special properties which
> bends EM energy around them, thus  rendering them
> invisible to us when standing still.  (They create
> blurs of light and shadow when moving.)  Felines,
> naturally, *do* have the special retinal adaptations
> which allow them to see unicorns and other "invisible"
> creatures, hence their occasional 'inexplicable'
> stares.#
>  I'm *so* glad that science has finally proven my pet
> theory...
> Debbi
> Invisible Teal Unicorns Maru      ;-)
> #There's a story in _Catfantastic_, IIRC, about some
> cats and the computer-generated bogies they thwart.

This probably isn't the story, I too am thinking of another, but a
similar topic.


and even pictures


Unicorns-R-Us Maru


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