D. C. Frandsen Jr wrote:
Hi Julia:
thanks for the welcome. but you folks north of the river are in a foreign land aren't you. I know when I was growing up in Northern Virginia I thought that it took a passport to go to Maryland. something like that for Pflugerville for us Bubaland folk. I sympathize with you on SH130. We need the road but not as a toll road. I participated in Envision Austin's growth planning exercises two years ago and most of the groups wanted growth to move to the East to protect water shed etc. But tolling the road will slow that down, I think.

Having the road as a toll road won't do as much good in the next 10 years as they'd like it to, that's for sure, but if it saves me half an hour, I'll pay the darn toll. :) (It's likely to save me a good deal once I can use SH 45 -- can't go east or west worth a darn around here; the only good east-west road I can name in the whole area is Ben White. And that's a bit of a haul for me to take advantage of. :) I know all sorts of tricks involving Howard Lane now, which is the next exit north of Parmer, that SH 45 will render moot.)



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