This weekend, some folks on the Interwebs will be conducting a "Blog
Against Theocracy" event. It doesn't appear to have an official
"sponsor", but "First Freedom First", a group that stands for
church-state separation (good for both sides of that divide, I think
we may all agree) seems to be strongly behind it.

Read more, and blog against theocracy (if you have a blog and are so

Apparently, the way it works is that you write your blog entry in
support of the separation of church and state, then send in the URL
via a form on

I think this is mainly intended for citizens of the USA, because
blog entries are expected to support the US Constitution's separation
of church and state, but it's a big constitution: it can inspire
you no matter where you live.

By the way, it's _not_ about bashing religion: as one of the folks
pulling it together writes:

     The theme [of the blogswarm], like always, is the Separation of
     Church and State — we are for it. But the variations on the theme
     are many...This is not a bashing of religion - peeps can believe
     what they choose, however they choose — but it is a reminder that
     the Government should keep out of religion, and Religion should  
     out of the government.



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