> Alberto Monteiro <albm...@centroin.com.br> wrote:
> Deborah Harrell quoted:
> > "A new report from the Danish Department of Environment, Food and 
> > Rural Affairs (DEFRA), highlights the critical risks facing toddlers 
> > from gender bending chemicals in everyday products. Chemicals like 
> > phthalates (found in PVC and fragrances), 

> In fact, phthalates are found in PET, not PVC. PVC is 
> polyvinylchlorine, the polymer of CH2=CHCl, PET is 
> polyethyleneterephthalate, the copolymer of terephthalic
> acid and ethyleneglycol (with maybe some i/y changed - in
> Portuguese, there's no such distinction).

Yes, the correct chemical is listed in the other article.  Although IIRC, PVC 
production is linked to cancer of some sort, and that was suspected in the 50s 
by industry doctors (Dow? Monsanto?  I can't remember what I posted exactly on 
that several years ago); it was not made public for a number of years.
> > "...Fewer boys are being born. 

> That's great news! The world needs less boys and more girls.
> Excess boys cause wars.

<wry> Nevertheless, it might be a problem if we wind up with a passle of 
hermaprodites (who are usually sterile)...Could make an interesting SF story, 

> > I think we will find that 
> > miniscule quantities of multiple organic compounds
> > adversely affect humans in numerous ways.
> I think it was established that benzene is carninogen. But I am
> not aware that phthalates, just because they are aromatic,
> are harmful. In fact, a few aminoacids are aromatic.

? So you don't find research regarding various petroleum compounds legitimate?  
We are well aware in the medical field of multiple adverse effects of various 
organic - in the sense of petroleum/industry-related - chemicals on healthe.  
And no, I who at one point could fill an entire blackboard with the Krebs cycle 
and multiple connecting metabolic pathwaysincluding peptide synthesis, had _no 
idea_ that some amino acids (not to mention hormones etc.) were aromatic...  
<hey, really!!!>

Don't Want No Tryptophan Or Steroids Maru



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