cc: BD,

Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 13:08:45 +0100 (BST)

Actually, Ltd Release were the highest finishing uk mixed team at Euros,
and we have been concentrating much harder on mixed ultimate this year
since we got our spot at Euros.

- I did voice limited knowledge on players and positions. Well done.

Several of our Europeans players have not been playing in the open tour
this year specifically so that they can concentrate on mixed, and our
mixed tour performances (and open tour performances to a certain extent)
have reflected this.

        - I assume this to support my suggestions - cheers.

We are currently lying third in the Mixed Tour, and
the gap between us and fourth place is quite large.

- I know the tour standings as does everyone else. In mixed though, is a certainity, as I sure you realise, that the positions may have been slightly different if Lil Shef managed to enter more the the odd mixed tour and Ping had enter MXT3. Furthermore, if mixed was taken more seriously, with a greater number of players focused on Mixed, as a seperated tour structure would create (at least in theory) the that gap between you and the team below may not be so large. Indeed, Surely the uk Mixed aim should be to create the same sort of competitive battle for the top 8 places that the Open Tour currently has?

It was certainly very useful in our preparation for Europeans playing
against teams made up of the top UK players on the Mixed Tour, even if
they don't train together as mixed teams.

   - I would imagine so.

We could have had a 1st place UK finish at Europeans in the mixed
division, but that would have meant lower overall finishing positions for
the open and womens teams.

        - I disagree.

The problem is that at the moment the top players in the UK want to play open/womens at international tournaments, and having separated tours probably isn't going change this attitude.

        - I disagree, though I am certain it would take time.

Winning the Open or Womens trophy at a big tournament is seen as a bigger prize than winning the mixed....that's just the way it is.

- Only if we acceopt the status quo, give up and do nothing about it. Surely as the highest placing euros mixed team you would welcome more healthly competition in mixed? If fact should you not positive bastion the benefits of a greater focus on Mixed...your comments just seem a little defeatest? Perhaps I am getting the wrong end of teh stick? Surely your not afraid of more competitive mixed ultimate ;)

See you all at MT4 this weekend,

       - Looking forward to it!!!!

All the best,


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