Voting is a damn sight tighter than I'd imagined. Current scores (in no particular order) are 7, 5, 3 & 1 votes. I'm not telling you which option is winning, because that would unfairly encourage people who are against that option to throw their votes in.

But it is close, so if you have an opinion you'd better get it to me.

I forgot to put a closing date on the voting, which is a bit daft. So let's call it midnight monday 12/9/05 (and then I can deal with it when the cricket's finished).


Subject: Indoor Pull

It's voting time.

I'm going to list some possible options for the indoor pull rule for next year. Everyone gets one vote, which they cast by emailing me. If the particular combination of rules you want to see isn't here, then I'm sorry, but this thread ran months ago and you've had plenty of time.

These options are based on suggested rulesets from people who emailed me.

Have a good think about what you want the pull rules to achieve before you decide. Do you want:
to speed up play?
to get an element of skill into the pull, or to punish teams who are too lazy to try and keep it in play?
to be as similar as possible to outdoors so as to avoid confusion?
or something else?

1: The Status Quo.

That is to say: Pull should be flat/catchable. Can be middled (if lands out or rolls out, as per outdoor rules), but never bricked.

2: Halfway brick

i) A dropped pull is not a turnover.
ii) A pull is only 'out' if it is more than 2 metres high when it leaves the pitch. If it leaves the pitch lower than that, it should be played from underneath where it went out. iii) Only if a pull is 'out' by the above definition, the offence has the OPTION of a brick to halfway. iv) A disc that lands in (genuinely in, not just <2m) will be played from where it touches the ground, not where it rolls or slides to (to prevent the bounce-pull way over the head of the offence, which just wastes time for everyone.)

3: Very like the swedish

i) A pull is only 'out' if it is more than 2 metres high when it leaves the pitch.
ii) A dropped pull is not a turnover.
iii) The disc must be in 'clean flight' (ie catchable even if a knife) when within 2 metres of the opposition end zone or the brick rule comes into play.
iv) Brick set at same percentage of pitch as outdoors (a bit less than 1/3)

4: Status quo + droppable pulls

i) No brick - just front-middle of the end zone.
ii) A dropped pull is not a turnover.
iii) Everything else exactly the same as outdoors.
iv) The bounce pull is not outlawed.

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