Hmmm, sorry guys.

Just been alerted to the fact that BritDisc wasn't working, and it looks
like it fell over about 2 weeks ago when the server crashed.

I haven't actually been keeping up with BritDisc for a month or two
anyway, so I hadn't noticed.

Hopefully, it'll be working again, and I'll see if I can persuade it to
resend all the messages in the last fortnight. They're there somewhere,
it's just a matter of time, but obviously if you had something important
to announce then it's best to resend it.

I'll try moving BritDisc to another server when I get some free time, as
the current server has started crashing every few days. Usually, I
notice as it does lots of fairly important jobs, but I guess missed
BritDisc as I wasn't reading it.

If you have any problems, feel free to mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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