On Mar 24, 2015, at 4:43 PM, Hitesh Sofat <sofathit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Alright we will eliminate MySQL to the extent possible. But in many
> places MySQL is needed to store the information. Example:- sending
> notification to admin about update doc and so on.

Even this can be handled with a directory queue strategy.  It just needs a 
ledger of what has and has not been e-mailed yet.  This could be handled with a 
separate queue or could be a metadata/semaphore file.

If it’s going to require MySQL then it really should probably rely on existing 
infrastructure (like being a Mediawiki or Confluence plugin) as that introduces 
a whole notion of account management.  I wouldn’t want a separate account 
management system just to edit docs online…

Later on, we’ll need to consider how to let commits be associated with the 
right developer.  Something like this 
 or migrate just the docs to git and use the --author flag.  You’ll have to 
test how well that works with services like Ohloh, though, to make sure changes 
are credited correctly.

For initial development, it’s okay if they’re anonymous or the author is just 
in the commit log, but that can’t be the solution in place before it goes live. 
 It needs to properly track the authorship for known authors or note them as 
anonymous contributions.


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