11.04.2021 20:43, Dave Mielke пишет:
[quoted lines by Alexander Epaneshnikov on 2021/04/11 at 20:09 +0300]

'/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/bin/javac' -encoding UTF-8
-Xlint:cast,deprecation,fallthrough,finally,overrides,rawtypes,unchecked -d
classes -classpath . Cons
tants.java ./*.java ./*/*.java
./Constants.java:3: error: duplicate class: org.a11y.brlapi.Constants
public interface Constants {
1 error
So far, I've been unable to reproduce it.

Which platform are you building on?

Please check if commit 80c698ac8af8cb2f57b6ebed15cd74c873b5814b is the one that 
broke it for you.

yes reverting this commit fixed this error.

Sincerely, Alexander.

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