Dear Sage,

Many thanks for your message. Sorry I won't be able to help, I jsut
wanted to report that I also tried to use BRLTTY on Windows with NVDA
and failed to do so although I spent uqite some time trying to make it

The problem I had was that I was unable to make BRLTTY recognize my
braille display. The problem, as I understand it, is that BRLTTY was not
able to register itself as a USB driver.

I even tried to get in touch with Microsoft on this but that failed,

I think it would really be nice if we could get this to work because it
would make Windows a bit less alien for us Linux users, at least we
would be able to use it through our favourite screen review program.

I have no idea what could unblock the situation at this stage, though.


Tage Johansson (2022/11/17 08:03 +0000):
> Hello,
> I am starting with my question:
> Have anyone any experience of using brltty on windows? Perhaps together with
> NVDA. And how did you get it to work?
> I'm trying to run BRLTTY on Windows 11.
> I have installed brltty with libusb 1.0 from the normal installer.
> When I try to run enable-brltty.bat I (as some previous poster on this list)
> get the following error:
> ```
> brltty.exe: cannot open file: //etc/brltty.conf: No such file or directory

> BRLTTY 6.5 rev BRLTTY-6.5+ []
> brltty.exe: service already installed: BrlAPI
> The Braille API (BrlAPI) service is starting..
> The Braille API (BrlAPI) service could not be started.
> A system error has occurred.
> System error 1067 has occurred.
> The process terminated unexpectedly.
> ```
> I don't know what this means. Maybe this is something related to Windows 11.
> But I tried to run brltty manually with the run-brltty.bat script:
> ```
> $ .\run-brltty.bat
> Running BRLTTY. When done, close this window (for example, by using the
> Alt-Space menu). The log file is: C:\Program Files (x86)\BRLTTY\brltty.log
> brltty.exe: cannot open file: //etc/brltty.conf: No such file or directory
> BRLTTY 6.5 rev BRLTTY-6.5+ []
> ```
> But BRLTTY terminates immediately after that message. And my braille display
> does not seem to be recognized.
> Best regards,
> Tage
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