On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 05:16:13AM -0500, Rob Hudson wrote:
> Where are device specific keyboard tables stored? I want to swap around some 
> of the buttons on my new PowerBraille display so that the left buttons move 
> the display to the left and right instead of the right hand buttons.
Within the source tree you can find:
The TWO-LETTER is a directory specific to your brand, al=alva e.g. and FS
=FreedomScientific   e.g. in my cases.
You'll find *.ktb and *.kti files in there which discribe you display.
The easiest way to handle this is make an my.kti and include that to the
main configfile usually common.ktb.
Recompile and there you are.

> Thanks.
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        Adri P. van Bloois

        It's never too late for early music!!!

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