Hi Berny,

> >   join -v 1 FILE1 FILE2
> Maybe awk?
>   $ awk -v keyfile=file2 '
>       BEGIN { while ((getline < keyfile) > 0) k[$1]=1 }
>       !k[$1]
>       ' file1
> or
>   $ awk '
>       keys { k[$1]=1; next }
>       !k[$1]
>       ' keys=1 file2 keys=0 file1

Wonderful! Thank you. Both solutions work fine with the 'awk' on Alpine Linux
(BusyBox v1.32.1).

> To be honest, I'm not sure whether the variable assignment on the command line
> or getline in a BEGIN block is more portable.

As Alpine Linux is the only platform that lacks 'join', awk portability is
not an issue (so far).


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