Hello again !

Ok, if you want to stay on the old manner, then have a look
again to my patch. We use this version here in the company
and I use it private and it works very well.

The preset menu is executed first, then the netboot stuff
is activated and then the "normal" menu file is sourced.
If the "normal" menu file is present, all menu relevant 
stuff is overwritten, so we have your initial behaviour,
as the preset menu was not sourced (expect for configuration
items, but no menu items ....).

If there is no "menu.lst" then also the menu items of the
preset menu are active (never tested yet !).
I think this is quite a good solution and does not break
you initial design idea.

We added further the feature (I mentioned in the last
email), that the GRUB SHELL starts at reading the "normal"
menu and skips network setup (no diskless operation !!)
and never calls the preset menu (of course the possibilty
with an option is a good addon and can simple be handled
by my state machine).

With friendly regards
Christoph P.

"Yoshinori K. Okuji" wrote:
> At Sat, 05 Jan 2002 23:43:27 +0100,
> Christoph Plattner wrote:
> > As we have now a `--config-file' option, it is possible to let
> > the user start the network setup inside the preset menu
> > or to reorganize the build to have only one version of GRUB
> > (nothing like SUPPORT_DISKLESS) and the make builds up
> > GRUBs without preset menu and GRUBs with preset menus
> > (default one for diskless or one of the user). The #ifdef
> > in builtins.c and so on should be replaced by variables (flags),
> > and GRUB should determine, if it was netbooted or local booted
> > to set the falgs.
> I see. I'd like to choose the former, just because it is easier.
> > And one further point: The GRUB shell should not (must not)
> > process the preset menu. This leads to some bad effects and
> > a preset menu does not make sense on a shell based GRUB.
> > So I tested a self patched GRUB version: The menu init state
> > (my state machine) starts with 2 instead of in the built
> > for the GRUB shell, so not to process the preset menu and
> > not to start something like network setup....
> Hmm... That's a good point. It was useful to enable the preset menu in
> the grub shell when debugging the feature, though. So I'll add an
> option into the grub shell so that you can choose if the grub shell
> uses the preset menu or not at run-time.
> Thanks,
> Okuji
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