=================== BUG #1758: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Yoshinori K. Okuji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2002-Nov-21 01:08 (GMT)

            What     | Removed                   | Added
          Resolution | None                      | Wont Fix
              Status | Open                      | Closed

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
No way to fix this problem.


=================== BUG #1758: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: None                      Project: GNU GRUB                       
Submitted on: 2002-Nov-20 16:11
Category:  Disk &amp; Partition         Severity:  Major                        
Priority:  None                         Bug Group:  Software Error              
Resolution:  Wont Fix                   Assigned to:  None                      
Status:  Closed                         Release:  0.90                          
Reproducibility:  Every Time            Planned Release:                        

Summary:  Device mapping different depending on environment (OS, or BIOS)

Original Submission:  I have experienced this problem on two different systems now.

Both systems were Copaq Deskpros with SCSI and IDE. Running grub under Linux (gentoo), 
the device mapping is IDE (hd0) and SCSI (hd1). Trying to boot grub from (hd1) on boot 
results in
the repeating "GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB ..." problem.

If I boot from a Grub floppy I see that the SCSI is now (hd0) and the IDE is (hd0). I 
can use the floppy to re-write Grub to the SCSI disk (using the new mapping). After 
boot, running grub again shows that the mapping has reverted.

You may contact me at joelmFOO <<at>> hp.com (remove the FOO).

Follow-up Comments

Date: 2002-Nov-21 01:08             By: okuji
No way to fix this problem.


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