>     i.e the year is wrong. I started thinking about this from the
>     gnu ftp site ftp.gnu.org where entries like

>   If I can be of any help let me know. Here is some information
>   Linux 2.4.18
>   i686
>   gcc-3.0.4
>   glibc-2.2.5

If you are using date version 2.0 or earlier as your subject line
indicates then that is certainly possible. A large number of bug fixes
and improvements went into the sh-utils-2.0.11 around October
2000. Please install a newer version of the code.

The test release versions at ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/fetish are best
as a full release has not yet made it out the door.

If you are using Debian then 'agt-get install shellutils' will update
you to shellutils-2.0.11.

If you are using an rpm based system then searching here yields



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