How about if next version doesn't exist?

On 5/25/20 12:42 PM, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 11:47:33AM +0000, abed wrote:
>> I'm exactly talking about the logic behind. basically it's not aware of
>> the latest version and only increments the minor (6.7+0.1) and try to
>> download. did you ever saw something like this? for instance when you
>> want to upgrade java, is says: open-jre 14 does not exist.
> The OpenBSD versioning convention is to increment by 0.1 for each release.
> sysupgrade looks for the next version (unless, of course you are upgrading
> snapshot to snapshot, but do read the man page for that special case). 
> sysupgrade is working as designed, and ended up demonstrating to (I assume) a
> new user how OpenBSD release versions work.

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