Kevin Chadwick( on 2020.05.25 11:57:44 +0000:
> . did you ever saw something like this? for instance when you
> >want to upgrade java, is says: open-jre 14 does not exist.
> >
> I'm not an OpenBSD dev but are you asking for a more user friendly message
> ratter than a more pertinent one? Seems reasonable, but when I got that
> message. I actually wanted to upgrade to a snapshot and this messsge
> helped. I might have wanted to switch from snaps to release. Not sure that
> switch is supported

"Upgrades are supported, from one release to the next (read upgradeXX.html)"

However, we obviously also allow for upgrades from a snapshot to a later one.
And snapshots are identical with an upcoming release once every six months.

It follows that you can upgrade from a snapshot to the next release after

And you can do that with sysupgrade. Just run sysupgrade -r (when the next
release is available of course).

If you run snapshots, it is implied that you know at what point in the
development cycle the snapshot is from. And when we are close to a release.
The only thing you have to watch out for is to know which parts of
faq/current.html (or upgradeXX.html) apply to your case. 

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