On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 11:15:06AM +0100, Denys Vlasenko wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Tim Hentenaar <t...@hentenaar.com> wrote:
> > Hi Denys,
> >
> > On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 09:58:50PM +0100, Denys Vlasenko wrote:
> >> I don't understand why current code does not reach write_leases().
> >> If tv.tv_sec is negative, we should not reach select() here -
> >>
> >>                 retval = 0;
> >>                 if (!server_config.auto_time || tv.tv_sec > 0) {
> >>                         retval = select(max_sock + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL,
> >>                                         server_config.auto_time ? &tv : 
> >> NULL);
> >>                 }
> >>                 if (retval == 0) {
> >>                         write_leases();
> >>                         goto continue_with_autotime;
> >>                 }
> >>
> >> and therefore, retval == 0 and we should reach write_leases().
> >>
> >> What am I missing?
> >
> > I wondered the same thing at first. Here's the relevent code as
> > generated by GCC. Interestingly, the "tv_sec > 0" check seems to get
> > optimized out (I'm compiling with -O2), and select() gets called as long
> > as tv_sec is non-zero. Looks almost as if it's treating tv_sec as
> > unsigned...
> Can't be, "v > 0" is a valid test even for unsigned types.
> Can you run "make networking/udhcp/dhcpd.s" and post the resulting file?
> I'm seeing this code with gcc 4.3.1:

Of course. In your case, with 32-bit code it seems fine. 
But, I still see the same incorrect comparison:

        xorl    %r8d, %r8d      # iftmp.12
        movq    (%rsp), %rsi    # %sfp,
        leal    1(%rbx), %edi   #, D.9843
        xorl    %ecx, %ecx      #
        xorl    %edx, %edx      #
        call    select@PLT      #
        testl   %eax, %eax      # retval
        jne     .L182   #,

        call    write_leases    #
        .p2align 4,,6
        jmp     .L83    #

        .p2align 4,,8
        call    monotonic_sec   #
        movl    24(%rsp), %ecx  # %sfp, D.9844
        movl    52+bb_common_bufsiz1(%rip), %r14d       # MEM[(struct 
server_config_t * {ref-all})&bb_common_bufsiz1].auto_time,
        movq    $0, 88(%rsp)    #, tv.tv_usec
        subl    %eax, %ecx      # D.9836, D.9844
        testl   %r14d, %r14d    #
        movq    %rcx, 80(%rsp)  # D.9844, tv.tv_sec
        je      .L88    #,
        testq   %rcx, %rcx      # D.9844
        je      .L179   #,
        leaq    80(%rsp), %r8   #, iftmp.12
        jmp     .L87    #

Are you using a 32-bit x86 arch? If not, what do you get if you compile
it in 64-bit mode?

I wonder why at -O2 it generates je here instead of jle. The ops would
be the same size and speed. At -Os, and -O0 it generates the correct

At -Os:

        xorl    %r8d, %r8d      # iftmp.12
        cmpl    $0, 52+bb_common_bufsiz1(%rip)  #, MEM[(struct server_config_t 
* {ref-all})&bb_common_bufsiz1].auto_time
        je      .L79    #,
        cmpq    $0, 80(%rsp)    #, tv.tv_sec
        jle     .L170   #,

At -O0:

        movl    $0, 32(%rsp)    #, retval
        leaq    bb_common_bufsiz1(%rip), %rax   #, bb_common_bufsiz1.62
        movl    52(%rax), %eax  # MEM[(struct server_config_t * 
{ref-all})bb_common_bufsiz1.62_111].auto_time, D.8648
        testl   %eax, %eax      # D.8648
        je      .L60    #,
        movq    144(%rsp), %rax # tv.tv_sec, D.8656
        testq   %rax, %rax      # D.8656
        jle     .L61    #,

I even wrote a small test case to see if I could reproduce this behavior
with a smaller body of code, to no avail.


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