On Saturday, 25 April 2015, at 7:17 pm, Denys Vlasenko wrote:
> Let me know how I can test this on a x86 machine.

Bionic doesn't really support vanilla Linux. The Android Developers' Bionic C 
Library Overview says:

«Note that the x86 version is only meant to run on an x86 Android device. We 
make absolutely no claim that you could build and use Bionic on a stock x86 
Linux distribution (though that would be cool, so patches are welcomed :-))»

If you have an x86-based Android device, then it should simply be a matter of 
compiling BusyBox using an x86-linux-androideabi toolchain. I've only tested 
using an arm-linux-androideabi toolchain, so I can't really help you there.
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