The latest edition (April) of QST has a board proposal for the optional Band 
Plan for RTTY and Data along with some comments about what is driven by FCC 
regulation for review and comment.  If you are serious about CW, RTTY or Data 
operation on the bands, I recommend that you look at the proposals and comment 
to the ARRL.  I know that we have different opinions between us and with others 
in the Amateur Radio Community so please look at the proposal and comment as 
you feel.  I, for one applaud the board of directors for polling the membership 
and possibly the objection that some of us have expressed about ACDS have had 
some affect on the thinking of K1ZZ, David Sumner and others of the ARRL.  Lets 
continue by commenting and maybe we will do some good.
Willis 'Cookie' Cooke,TDXS Contest Chairman K5EWJ & Trustee N5BPS
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