Get a ready made cable for each connector
See Ebay
Make a splice on the cable


On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 7:21 PM, Jackie Moody via BVARC <>

> Okay, fellow hams and electronics gurus, I need some help making a cable
> for a project.  I have the cable and both connectors.  One is a 6-pin DIN,
> the other an 8-pin DIN.  I have the drawings/schematics of which pins do
> what and how to connect them.  I just don’t have any confidence in my
> ability to do this kind of thing any more and don’t have adequate soldering
> equipment to do this kind of project.  Is there anyone who feels confident
> enough to help me with this project?  If so, I would really appreciate it.
> Thanks.
> 73 de KC5OHJ
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