ARRL DX CW Contest


Band     QSOs     Pts  Cty  Pt/Q

   1.8      18      54   17   3.0

   3.5     102     306   43   3.0

     7     167     501   57   3.0

    14     197     591   59   3.0

    21      56     168   36   3.0

    28       7      21    4   3.0

Total     547    1641  216   3.0

Score: 354,456

1 Mult = 2.5 Q's


Did not mean to work 19 hours. Started off with a few hours and it just
extended several times. I finally quit after 19 hours of operation time. I
worked 76 different countries and worked V3T on ALL six bands. Great job



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