boemann added a comment.

  All painting of documents is done in points
  the purpose of KoUnit is to allow the user to specify some size in any unit 
so that it internally can be converted to points.
  Pixels are very special in that they are not a unit at all, but for special 
cases like karbon and krita it makes sense to allow such specification anyway, 
since the output is a bitmap. where a pixel is a very real unit.
  The trouble with allowing pixels to be specified in the general sense is that 
the ppi is dependent of zoom and of display. This will vary from user to user 
and in the case of zoom even as the user zooms in and out.
  So yes please make a karbon only solution, but even in karbon you should 
allow the user to specify the target ppi. For Icons you may get away with an 
assumption of 96 ppi but even that is really wrong, it just happens to work as 
most have it wrong the same way.
  But such assumptions will break any kind of real workflow for the other 
applications so it is very important not to make such a mistake.

  R8 Calligra


To: anthonyfieroni, boemann, danders, #calligra:_3.0, ndavis, #vdg
Cc: staniek, Calligra-Devel-list, davidllewellynjones, dcaliste, ognarb, 
cochise, vandenoever

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