
My team and I were hoping to use Cap'n P on our system to pass messages 
around via UDP. There is a powerful Linux system running a control system 
but the nodes are STM32F7 devices (1 MB flash, 320 kB of RAM, 216 MHz 
Cortex-M7 processor) running FreeRTOS with the LWIP networking stack.

When I tried to build for the embedded system I ran into some errors 
related to a dependency on pthreads (in the KJ library I believe).

I did some searches and saw discussions in this group from 2015-16 that 
suggested things like inheriting from MessageBuilder to get around using 
malloc or using nanopb instead.

I don't fully understand what CAPNP_LITE gets me so maybe this would be 

What is the thinking today on this topic?



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