I'm trying to debug my problem. My sending side I can see the number of 
bytes which results in 55 from:

And the receiving side I can see it received the same number of bytes, 55.

Is there a shortcut way to print the contents of what was received. Some 
way to print the sending side serialized data of words.asBytes() and the 
receiving serialized data, words?

I feel like the error of not containing a root pointer means it's not 
finding/reading the serialized data somehow correctly.

On Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 7:14:42 PM UTC-6 William Zumwalt wrote:

> Hello,
> I am getting the following error.
> Exception in setting up a receiver: capnp/message.c++:99: failed: expected 
> setment != nullptr && segment->checkObject(segment->getStartPtr(), ONE * 
> WORDS); Message did not contain a root pointer.
> Here is how I send a byte array.
>     auto msg_builder = builder.initRoot<SomeMsg>();
>     msg_builder.setVal(val);
>     auto words = messageToFlatArray(msg_builder);
>     auto bytes = words.asBytes();
>     peer.send(bytes);
> And then receive it on the other end.
>     string msg;
>     peer.get(msg);
>     MallocMessageBuilder builder;
>     const void* arr = msg.c_str();
>     int len = msg.size();
>     auto words = kj::heapArray<capnp::word>(len / sizeof(capnp::word));
>     memcpy(words.begin(), arr, len);
>     FlatArrayMessageReader reader(words);
>     // error happens on this call
>     auto m = reader.getRoot<SomeMsg>();
> Any thoughts/hints at what's wrong? Thanks

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