I bet it would run with this command: java -jar /path/to/cas.war

However, remove the line in your gradle.properties 


Then, replace -tomcat as your appServer value and recompile. 

On Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 9:26:55 AM UTC-6, moncada wrote:

> Hello everyone, 
> I am Ubuntu Bionic whith Tomcat 9.0.16 and CAS 6.1.0-SNAPSHOT 
> I build the war with the command via overlay: 
> build.sh package 
> I copy cas.war in the webapps directory here is the log: 
> 2019-10-17 17:19:27,064 INFO 
> [org.apereo.cas.configuration.DefaultCasConfigurationPropertiesSourceLocator] 
> - <Configuration files found at [/etc/cas/config] are [[file 
> [/etc/cas/config/cas.properties]]] under profile(s) [[standalone]]> 
> 2019-10-17 17:19:27,246 INFO 
> [org.apereo.cas.web.CasWebApplicationServletInitializer] - <The 
> following profiles are active: standalone> 
> 2019-10-17 17:19:46,297 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.support.saml.OpenSamlConfigBean] - <Initialized OpenSaml 
> successfully.> 
> 2019-10-17 17:19:46,613 WARN 
> [org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext]
> - <Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling 
> refresh attempt: 
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating 
> bean with name 'tomcatServletWebServerFactory' defined in class path 
> resource 
> [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/web/servlet/ServletWebServerFactoryConfiguration$EmbeddedTomcat.class]:
> Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is 
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void 
> org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve.setHostHeader(java.lang.String)'> 
> 2019-10-17 17:19:46,659 WARN 
> [org.springframework.boot.context.properties.migrator.PropertiesMigrationListener]
> - < 
> The use of configuration keys that have been renamed was found in the 
> environment: 
> Property source 'bootstrapProperties': 
>         Key: cas.authn.throttle.appcode 
>                 Replacement: cas.authn.throttle.app-code 
> Each configuration key has been temporarily mapped to its replacement 
> for your convenience. To silence this warning, please update your 
> configuration to use the new keys. 
> > 
> 2019-10-17 17:19:46,703 ERROR 
> [org.springframework.boot.diagnostics.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter] - < 
> *************************** 
> *************************** 
> Description: 
> An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt 
> was made from the following location: 
> org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.embedded.TomcatWebServerFactoryCustomizer.customizeRemoteIpValve(TomcatWebServerFactoryCustomizer.java:186)
> The following method did not exist: 
>     'void 
> org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve.setHostHeader(java.lang.String)' 
> The method's class, org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve, is 
> available from the following locations: 
> jar:file:/usr/share/java/tomcat9-catalina-9.0.16.jar!/org/apache/catalina/valves/RemoteIpValve.class
> jar:file:/var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/cas/WEB-INF/lib/tomcat-catalina-9.0.27.jar!/org/apache/catalina/valves/RemoteIpValve.class
> jar:file:/var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/cas/WEB-INF/lib/tomcat-embed-core-9.0.27.jar!/org/apache/catalina/valves/RemoteIpValve.class
> It was loaded from the following location: 
>     file:/usr/share/java/tomcat9-catalina-9.0.16.jar 
> Action: 
> Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, 
> compatible version of org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve 
> Thanks. 
> -- 
> Juan Carlos Giménez Moncada 
> Ticarum / Universidad de Murcia 
> Campus de Espinardo 
> 30100 Murcia 

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