> I have this problem when I connect to CAS. Do you think it’s a problem with

Doubtful it's related to the authentication handler.  It's failing
once the client presents the ticket it received from the server for
validation, which would imply a successful authentication previously.

Your error, "ticket <TICKET_ID> does not match supplied service",
occurs when the recorded service URL in the ticket registry doesn't
match that presented on ticket validation.  You should be able to turn
up logging to DEBUG for org.jasig.cas in order to display the service
to which a ticket is granted in the cas.log file.  Then you ought to
examine the request made to the CAS server for ticket validation and
compare the service in that request with what's in the logs.  I
believe you can turn up org.springframework logger high enough to see
the request parameters in the cas.log file, but you could also use a
request dumper filter, e.g.
to dump the request parameters.


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