I don't see much explanation in the logs that would explain why the
service ticket isn't found in the registry at validation time -- it's
clearly created beforehand:

2011-11-14 09:23:24,699 DEBUG
[org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.DefaultTicketRegistry] - <Added ticket
[ST-2-ylhhsn0wTAgC3gdE6j2y-cas] to registry.>
2011-11-14 09:23:24,699 INFO
[org.jasig.cas.CentralAuthenticationServiceImpl] - <Granted service
ticket [ST-2-ylhhsn0wTAgC3gdE6j2y-cas] for service
[http://cre-itdev:8080/cre_webapp_control/] for user [stgtest1]>

There's one thing that jumps out at me in the last audit record:

WHO: audit:unknown

I would expect that to be the service for which you're validating a
ticket.  I'm wondering if you're attempting to validate a ticket with
either a null service or one which does not match the generating
service exactly.  How are you invoking the RESTful API?


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