
Someone is using the WebAuthenticationFilter to authenticate the JBoss EJB 

I have been configured it like in:

All is working sucessfully except I want to access to the authenticated 
username in the ejb layer. And when I call  to context.getCallerPrincipal() I 
get the service parameter instead. 

The problem could be WebAuthenticationFilter in the line:

log.debug("Attempting CAS ticket validation with service=" + service + " and 
ticket=" + ticket + " " + request.getRemoteUser());
if (!new WebAuthentication().login(service, ticket)) {                          

The WebAuthentication().login make the authentication into the container, that 
is good. But we are using the service as username and this value is used as 
principal so we will not be able to know the authenticated username in the 

I was trying to replace, change or whatever the principal after the 
WebAuthentication.login() but without success. 

Any hint about how can I get the Principal from an EJB?
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