Good afternoon

We have recently implemented SSO for Banner 8 via CAS.  Our LDAP repository
is AD.  We are running one CAS server and are now in the process of load
testing the capability of CAS to match the load volume tested when using
only Banner BEIS authentication.

The tests are set up through WebLOAD.  The tests are designed by setting a
fixed number of virtual users who attempt to log in at the same time.  The
tests start at 100, then 200, 250, 275, and 300.  At 275 simultaneous
attempts to login, the WebLOAD tool receives many Internal 500 errors.

Some on the team assess the situation as an indication that CAS can not
keep up with the load.  Others suspect the tool itself, which must now
contend with browser redirects while simulating a high volume of users.

Which ever the case, I do know that there are no issues in volume
connections to AD.  All LDAP authentication steps are made.

The Socket failure messages take the following form, but not always at the
exact same juncture:

2013-09-05 07:40:39,174 DEBUG
[] - Extractor generated
service for: 
2013-09-05 07:40:39,178 ERROR
[org.jasig.cas.web.view.Saml10SuccessResponseView] -
ClientAbortException: Broken pipe

2013-09-05 07:40:42,235 ERROR
[org.jasig.cas.web.view.Saml10SuccessResponseView] -
ClientAbortException: Broken pipe

Ellucian, when Atlassian, indicated this error was not fatal, however, our
team is seeking a definite assurance that a single CAS server can manage
such high volumes during peak times when login attempts can exceed 2000 in
the first five minutes.

Is CAS incapable of accepting more than 250 simultaneous login attempts
without failure?  If not, how have teams tested the load so that it met
load requirements?


 also should mention that our team has not been interested in using tomcat
8443, but instead uses 443.  Personally, I do not see a special advantage
to doing it this way, but there it is.  I am forwarding how our SA suspects
the socket failures are occurring:

*Apache's default timeout is 300 seconds.  Red Hat reduces the connection
timeout for Apache to 60 seconds.  Most users aren't going to wait more
than 10 seconds, anyway.  If tomcat does not respond to Apache before that
timeout, Apache will close the connection and log the timeout expired
messages David mentioned.  When tomcat tries to respond after Apache has
closed the connection it will throw a SocketException with the message
"Broken Pipe".
Linda Toth
University of Alaska - Office of Information Technology (OIT) - Identity
and Access Management
910 Yukon Drive, Suite 103
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775 |

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