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Perhaps it is just a wrongly labelled cif-file. Did you check with other
cif-files from the PDB?

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Harry M. Greenblatt wrote:

> BS"D
> Dear All,
>     I addressed this issue to "management" but got no reply.
> I wanted to make a map from a published structure, so I downloaded
> the structure factors and the coordinates, and used the import
> facility to go from mmcif to mtz.  Then I ran sfall to generate fcalc
> and phicalc from the coordinates.  Then fft to make a 2fo-fc map.
> Looking at the map in PyMOL and then in coot and contouring at
> 1.5sigma, it was obvious that something had gone wrong.  While
> looking in coot, and pondering what could be wrong, I was idly
> scrolling the mouse wheel, which changed the contour.  When I got
> close to zero, the map suddenly started looking better.  Checking the
> fft output confirmed my suspicions:  the map, instead of going from
> -0.6 to +1.6, went from -1.6 to +0.6.  Contouring at -1.5sigma gave
> what one would expect from a 2fo-fc map.  So I guess the map that was
> calculated was Fc - 2Fo.
>       I checked the fft output again and confirmed that FP was F1,
> whose multiplier, n, was +2.0 and that Fcalc was F2, whose
> multiplier, m,  was +1.0 and that I had asked for a  nF1 - mF2 map.
> Perhaps I did something wrong?  Perhaps this is a bug in fft?
> Thanks,
> Harry
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> Harry M. Greenblatt
> Staff Scientist
> Dept of Structural Biology           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Weizmann Institute of Science        Phone:  972-8-934-3625
> Rehovot, 76100                       Facsimile:   972-8-934-4159
> Israel

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