Dear Eleanor (and Martyn, whose answered similarly after Eleanor),

Oh dear - Did you somehow leave off  the application of the SCALE between Fo and Fc in SFALL?
See the GUI
First instruction
Append FC and PHIC to FP .. - then Scale input FP to Fcalc

You have to turn on that radio button..

After I ran the program the first time, I payed proper attention to the button, which I had *not* turned on.  But checking the log file showed that sfall had in fact calculated a scale factor between Fobs and Fcalc, so it seemed things were fine from that perspective.  Furthermore, since FP is on an arbitrary scale, then failure to scale the two should give some outrageous R-factor, which I didn't get.   So what is going on?  SFALL is calculating the scale, but not applying it in the final mtz file?

I will go back and try the button....



Harry M. Greenblatt

Staff Scientist

Dept of Structural Biology           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Weizmann Institute of Science        Phone:  972-8-934-3625

Rehovot, 76100                       Facsimile:   972-8-934-4159


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