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Is it possible that subroutines have moved into difference source files,
or that some of the new source files haven't been incorporated into the
makefile targets?  Or that the compilations flags have changed?

_errwrt_ seems like it should be defined as subroutine errwrt in
hkon_secder_tch.f (and that object file is listed in your log).  So
possibly different fortran name-mangling schemes were used during
compilation (although make clean before starting should've taken care of
this, so it's probably not the problem).  _read_psuedorest_ seems to be a
new subroutine (at least grep -nir psuedorest in $CCP4 comes up empty on
my system).

Hopefully one of the refmac (or os x) people will have a better idea of
what's going on (I'm slightly confused as to why the c++ standard library
is being linked into a fortran program, but I'm sure there's a reason for

Good luck,


> Hi folks:
> I thought I would try compiling refmac version 5.3 in situ in ccp4, so I
added the new files, replacing the old.  This strategy seemed to work
until linking, when I encountered this:
> eval /sw/lib/gcc4/bin/gfortran ${refmac5_FLAGS-"-O0 -fno-second-
underscore"} -o refmac5 make_CIF.o make_subr.o make_lib.o make_crd.o
make_new.o make_PDB.o refmac_newdic.o solvent_contr_mask.o
> hkon_secder_tch.o fast_hessian_tabulation.o subvag.o lsq_symm_atoms.o
oppro_tor1.o rcard_tor1.o subcf_scale1.o ncs_const.o
> subag_scale_hessian.o extra_eigen.o rigid_body_newdic.o
> aniso_ref_eigen.o linalgebra.o make_subr_refmac.o tls_newdic_non.o
vdw_symmetry.o make_rst.o makecif.o make_refmac_dummy.o
> ls_scaling_double.o interpolate_mod.o rharvest.o newentry_idealise.o
ml_scaling_double.o gaussian_int.o subnumrec.o -L../lib/src -lccp4f -
lccp4c -lmmdb -L/sw/src/fink.build/ccp4-6.0.1-1005/ccp4-6.0.1/lib/ ccif
-lccif -framework vecLib -L/sw/lib/gcc4/lib/gcc/i386-apple-
darwin8/4.2.0 -L/sw/lib/gcc4/lib/gcc/i386-apple-
> darwin8/4.2.0/../../.. -lstdc++ -lgcc_s.10.4 -lSystem -lm
> /sw/lib/odcctools/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
> _errwrt_
> _read_psuedorest_
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [refmac5] Error 1
> Any idea what I am missing?
> Thanks.
> Bill Scott

Pete Meyer
Fu Lab
BMCB grad student
Cornell University

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