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I am happy to announce that our TID website is open for applications
for the 3rd Workshop "Structural Biology with Synchrotron Radiation".
To register an application, please visit


click on the red button "3rd TID Workshop" and follow the instructions.

The Workshop is open to candidates from all EU countries but the number
of places is limited. Young scientists from the central and eastern
European countries are especially encouraged to apply. Participation
is free of charge. Candidates will be selected based on their motivation
and reference from their supervisors.

The workshop will consist of hands-on practical sessions supported by lectures. The topics will include:

#    Crystal handling, cryo-freezing and X-ray tests
#    Assessing diffraction quality and data collection strategy
#    Automation of data collection
#    Efficient data processing
#    Structure solving "on-the-fly"

Application deadline: 24 October, 2006
Final candidate selection: 31 October, 2006

Please pass this information to those who might be interested.
Thank you very much,

Wojtek Rypniewski

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