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On Oct 11 2006, Sudharsan Sridharan wrote:

***  For details on how to be removed from this list visit the  ***
***          CCP4 home page http://www.ccp4.ac.uk         ***

(sorry again ! i should have posted the soln i found to my problem
instead of just only saying i found the soln to my problem!)

i applied the rots and trans using the pdbset gui in ccp4.

You can also use Phaser to construct the solution. Even if it rejects the solution at the packing step, you can cut and paste the SOLU lines from the logfile, put them into a .sol file, and use that in a new run of Phaser, say a packing job with the allowed clashes increased.

This is a problem a number of users have run into, so Airlie McCoy has recently implemented a fix that will appear in an upcoming release. What Phaser will do by default is, if none of the solutions pack with the number of allowed clashes, the number of allowed clashes will be reset to the minimum found. So you'll always get at least one solution. But we hope users will then remember to look at the packing and make sure it looks reasonable!

Randy Read

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