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Hi Bernhard,

The following perlscript will take the output from the DSSPcmbi
(http://swift.cmbi.ru.nl/gv/dssp/) command-line program, picks
residues according to a minimum absolute (rather than relative)
accessibility, and extracts B values and occupancy from a PDB file.



# avg_surf.pl dsspin structure.dssp pdbin structure.pdb acc 20

#mainchain atoms; all others are defined as sidechain
$main="C N CA O OXT OXT1 OXT2";

#process command line arguments
for ($i=0; $i<@tmp; $i+=2) { $tmp[$i]=~tr/A-Z/a-z/; }
print join(";",$tmp);

#read dsspcmbi file
open(I,$cmd{dsspin}) ||
 die "DSSP file open failed; use: dsspin file.dssp\n";

#minimum accessibility must be input
if ($cmd{acc} !~/\d/) {
 die "Minimum accessibility not defined; use: acc 20\n";

#find column header line
$acpos=-1; $respos=-1;
while (($_=<I>)&&($acpos==-1)) {
 if ($_=~/RESIDUE.+AA.+STRUCTURE/) {

#identify residues >= accepted surface accessibility
if (($acpos != -1)&&($respos != -1)) {
 while ($_=<I>) {
   if (substr($_,$acpos,3) >= $cmd{acc}) {
     $resok.="$tmp ";


#open and read pdb file
open(I,$cmd{pdbin}) ||
 die "PDB file open failed; use: pdbin file.pdb\n";

while ($_=<I>) {
 if ($_=~/^ATOM/) {
   #ensure atom is from a shortlisted residue
   if ($resok=~/\b$res\b/) {
     #if defined as mainchain...
     if ($main=~/\b$atm\b/) {
     } else {
     #else assumed to be sidechain


$mainout = ($mainn>0) ? "$mainn atoms with average B of ".
 sprintf("%0.2f",$mainav/$mainn) : "none";
$sideout = ($siden>0) ? "$siden atoms with average B of ".
 sprintf("%0.2f",$sideav/$siden) : "none";

print STDERR "Files: $cmd{dsspin} $cmd{pdbin}
Minimum accessibility: $cmd{acc}
Mainchain: $mainout
Sidechain: $sideout\n";

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