Hi Oliv,

I'm sorry, I think you will need to edit the output file from Sketcher ****_mon_lib.cif - the torsions section ( _chem_comp_tor) will have something like

test  CONST_1  C1  C2 C3 C4 180.0  0.0 0

the 180 needs changing to 0.0.
I think that is all you need to do - no doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong!


On 15 Jun 2009, at 04:35, Oliv Eidam wrote:


Could somebody explain how to sketch cis double bonds with Sketcher?
For example a cis-but-2-ene?

No matter how I draw the the molecule: When I create a library description I always get the trans double bond. I hope there is way to this through the Sketcher GUI, because I prefer not to edit the angles by hand...

Many thanks,


Oliv Eidam, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral fellow

University of California, San Francisco
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
1700 4th Street, Byers Hall North, Room 501
San Francisco, CA 94158 - Box 2550

Phone: 415-514-4253
Fax  : 415-514-4260
Email: eid...@blur.compbio.ucsf.edu

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