On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Arnon Lavie <la...@uic.edu> wrote:

> we collected SAD data sets to 3.0 A on our protein, once as a Se-Met
> protein and once soaked with a mercury compound. Data statistics indicate an
> anomalous signal in both data sets. However, the maps are not great. Is it
> possible to combine the phase information from the two data sets? We have
> been using Solve/Resolve for the individual SAD data sets. If any of you
> know of a solve script (or an alternative program) that would combine the
> two, please reply.

phenix.autosol can do this - I haven't tried this myself, but it will
definitely support multiple datasets (including combinations of methods,
e.g. SAD + MIR).  By default, it will use Phaser for SAD, but you can also
use SOLVE.  (It also runs RESOLVE automatically.)

I believe SHARP will also handle multiple datasets easily, but it's been a
while since I've used it.


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