An NIH-funded Postdoctoral position is immediately available to study the 
structure and function of proteins involved in obstructive pulmonary diseases 
(asthma and COPD). These proteins represent key therapeutic targets for the 
treatment of asthma and COPD. This work will be done in collaboration with 
individuals in the Pulmonary Division.

Our lab is located in the Department of Internal Medicine (Pulmonary Division) 
and has state-of-the-art equipment for protein expression and purification as 
well as direct access to crystallization robotics in addition to 
instrumentation for protein characterization (CD, MALS, AUC) and probing 
protein-protein interactions (ITC, SPR). Instrumentation for in-house X-ray 
data collection is available, and we have frequent access to synchrotron sites 
(either directly or via remote data collection). Excellent computation 
facilities are available.

Enthusiastic and self-motivated individuals with (or expecting) a PhD in 
Biochemistry or a related discipline are encouraged to apply. The ideal 
candidate will have extensive experience in all aspects of protein expression, 
purification, characterization and crystallization. Experience in X-ray 
crystallography and the use of biophysical methods to characterize 
protein-protein interactions as well as cell-binding assays would be 
advantageous but not required as training can be provided. Must have a strong 
interest in the biology of human diseases. This is an excellent position for a 
structural biologist wanting to learn more about chronic inflammatory diseases 
or (vice versa) an individual with experience in inflammatory disease research 
wanting to learn structural biology. Excellent oral and written communication 
skills are required.  

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply or inquire by submitting (via 
email) a curriculum vitae (including a summary of research experience and 
interests, and contact information for 2-3 references) to Tom J. Brett:

Contact Info:
Tom J. Brett, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Washington University School of Medicine
Campus Box 8052, 660 S. Euclid
Saint Louis, MO 63110

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