I would expect such a difference with lowish resolution data.

Your model will be biased towards the restraints - ie the geometry willbe good, but there is bearly enough observations to fit the actualmodel properly. eg - it will be hard to position solvent, and to recognise any deviaions from NCS.
 So dont be too surprised or worried..
Look at the maps - if they look "clean" then things are probably OK

 On 10/25/2010 10:44 PM, Jacqueline Vitali wrote:

I have seen this happening when I had NCS and did not include it in
refinement.  Rwork drops and Rfree increases. In this case the difference
became small when I included the NCS.

Also if your Rmerge is high and you include all reflections in refinement,
Rfree is high.  In my experience, by excluding F<  sigma reflections you
drop Rfree a lot.

My limited experience suggests errors in the data and/.or in the way you
handle  the data.

Jackie Vitali
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Rakesh Joshi<rjo...@purdue.edu>  wrote:

Hi all,

Can anyone comment, in general, on diverging Rcryst and Rfree
values(say>7%) for
structures with kind of low resolutions(2.5-2.9 angstroms)?


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