Dear all,

I have been using Coot during a long time without any problem, but today, when I try to open the program, something has failed. The message was:

/Applications/ line 205: 1965 Segmentation fault $COOT_PREFIX/bin/coot-real $command
coot-exe: "/Applications/"
core: #f
No core file found.  No debugging
   This is not helpful.
   Please turn on core dumps before sending a crash report

 I run the programs in a MacBookPro with Leopard (10.5.8).

The same problem was previously exposed (2008-03-28 by Uma Katre and answered by Kay Diederichs), but in this opportunity was in Centos and I don’t know how to apply the solution.

 I have reinstalled Coot, CCP4 and X11, but anything works.



Luis Mariano Polo

Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
C/Jaime Roig, 11
46010 Valencia. Spain.
Tel.: +34 963391774

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