
Thank you for highlighting an issue with a recent release of the PDBePisa service. The option to return the atom detail as well as the residue detail within the PISA service was accidentally missed from the production service during a major update of features. I am sorry that this has effected your work.

We are have identified and fixed the problem and are currently testing the change and should have the fix in production by the end of the week.

Tom Oldfield

Dear CCP4bb,

We are trying to get some detailed interface information from an antibody:antigen complex, PDBePISA used to have an option to select atomic level details, now the new web interface only gives residue level information. Is there a way to run PISA (in the CCP4 package) with a different configuration to get the detailed information?



*Tongqing Zhou, Ph.D.*

Staff Scientist

Structural Biology Section

Vaccine Research Center, NIAID/NIH

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(301) 594-8710 (Tel)

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